//   Green Growth matinee

Thursday 20 May 2021

Developing investment in the green economy: opportunities, strategies and services in the Mediterranean - Développer les investissements dans l'économie verte: opportunités, stratégies et services en méditerranée

Green Growth has become a major policy objective for the European Commission, Member States and a broad range of relevant stakeholders. In this direction, 188 countries and the European Union have ratified the Paris Agreement to combat global warming, being committed to reduce greenhouse gases and to develop new sectors that contribute to green growth. Since then, many initiatives leading to green growth have been launched across Europe and Mediterranean. Through these initiatives, jobs were created, innovation and research were enhanced, new collaborative approaches to the energy economy ware designed and economic growth was achieved in several regions.

However, there is still a lot of discussion around the financial resources and the funding opportunities that are available for supporting the development of green growth strategies and tools.

The Green Growth matinee will be organized by ANIMA Investment Network and Dynamic Vision in the framework of Interreg MED Green Growth project. This matinee aims to inform participants about the major global trends in these sectors that contribute to the fight against pollution, climate change, environmental degradation and the opportunities for the development of green and circular economy in the Mediterranean countries. It will also present the measures and strategies implemented to mobilise private sector investments to achieve this and will be extended by an online debate on financial resources in the field of the green economy. The debate will explore leverage effects on financial resources to complement missing funding opportunities for transferable tools and the policy change request. Particular attention will be placed to complementarities with Cohesion and EU Policies’ funding.

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