Nasser Ayoub is Co-founder and CEO EPD Egypt, Professor, Senior Environmental Consultant and a Certified LCA Professional from the American Center for Life Cycle Assessment and Global Reporting Initiative. Prof. Ayoub is an Energy and Sustainability Expert, including Environmental Benign Supply chains, Waste Management, Life Cycle Assessment, LCA, Environmental Policy Analysis, Energy Conservation, Environmental Monitoring, and Environmental Emergency. Dr. Ayoub have more than 20 years of comprehensive academic and technical experience in seven different countries.
He holds a Doctor of Environmental Engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology in the field of Environmentally Friendly Supply Chains and Life Cycle Assessment. He worked on analyzing wicked environmental policy problems and governmental intervention approaches to promote renewable energies He represented Egypt as an international delegate in the United Nations Leadership Program in 2009. From 2011 to 2013, he worked in analyzing the adaptation and mitigation measures taken by four Arab countries to cope with the consequences of Climate Change. From 2013 to 2015, he worked in Qatar University and University of Ontario Institute of Technology on investigating methods and possibilities of energy conservation in buildings and developed a Risk-Based Life cycle assessment, RBLCA, framework to integrate risk management into assessing the environmental performance of systems. He has applied this framework to carry out a RBLCA on smart grid and transportation infrastructure in Ontario, Canada. From 2015 to 2016, he joined the Bioengineering Department in University of Missouri, Columbia, USA to carry out LCA for energy crops production in the Missouri/Mississippi River Corridor in. In March 2019, Prof. Ayoub joined a UNDP funded project to perform Data Gap Analysis to identify the potential data required to promoting the implementation of the Environmental Protection Laws and Multilateral Environmental Agreements