//   CAPITALIZATION EVENT BLUE-GREENWAY: Innovative solutions for improving the environmental status of eutrophic and anoxic coastal ecosystems

Tuesday 24 Oct 2023
Prof Demetris Francis Lekkas
Prof Demetris Francis Lekkas
Associate Professor – Environmental Engineering and Science Sector, University of Aegean, Greece

Dr Demetris Francis Lekkas is Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics in University of Aegean in Greece since 2006. He holds a PhD in Hydrology (2002), from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London and a BSc in Environmental Sciences (1998), University of Aegean.

His research interests focus on water resources analysis and simulation, development of tools for water quantity and quality management, rainfall-runoff modelling and forecasting, time series analysis and extreme values estimation.

He has work at Imperial College London on single-site continuous rainfall modelling - part of the DEFRA (UK) funded project “Improved Methods for National Spatial - Temporal Rainfall and Evaporation Modelling for BSM (Broad Scale Modelling)”; at the National Technical University of Athens, Department of Chemical Engineering in the projects a) Developing Strategies for Regulating and Managing Water Resources and Demand in Water Deficient Regions (WaterStrategyMan), EU DG Research, ; b) SWITCH Sustainable Water management Improves Tomorrow’s Cities’ Health EC, DG Research, 6th Framework Programme; as well as c) WASSERMed - Water availability and security in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean http://www.wassermed.eu/ , 7th Framework Programme.

He leads the Analysis and Simulation of Environmental research group http://ases.aegean.gr/.

Current Research:

Analysis and simulation of environmental systems,

Statistical analysis of hydro-meteorological timeseries,

Development of methods and tools for water resources management,

Probability estimation for droughts and floods and their impacts,

Investigations for climate change at regional level.




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