//   CAPITALIZATION EVENT BLUE-GREENWAY: Innovative solutions for improving the environmental status of eutrophic and anoxic coastal ecosystems

Tuesday 24 Oct 2023
Dr Eleftheria Klontza
Dr Eleftheria Klontza
Environmental Scientist, University of the Aegean, Member of Board, Greek Natural environment and climate change Agency (NECCA)

Eleftheria Klontza is a Research Associate in Waste Management Laboratory in the University of the Aegean. She owns a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies from the University of the Aegean (Greece) and an MSc and PhD from the Technical University of Crete (Greece). She has extensive teaching experience in the field of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Wastewater Management and Ecotoxicology. Since 2013, she is the administrator of Global NEST Journal and responsible of the organization of the International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST). Since October 2016, she collaborates with the Hellenic Open University, supervising students of the Postgraduate Programme "Waste Management". In July 2020, she was appointed as a Member of the Board of Directors of Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (N.E.C.C.A). Her current research activities include the participation in projects that deal with the Circular Economy such as the Center for Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy and Energy - Aegean_BIOECONOMY, (https://bit.ly/3c4AxnZ, funded by the Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" - NSRF 2014-2020) and co-financed by Greece and the European Union Fund), CRESCENTO CiRcular Economy Skills enhanCEment NeTwOrk (https://crescento.adrioninterreg.eu, funded by Interreg ADRION) and the development of a National Research Infrastructure for Shipping, Supply Chain, Transport and Logistics (ENIRISST, https://bit.ly/3PAdLTt, funded by General Secretariat of Research and Technology).

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