// CAPITALIZATION EVENT BLUE-GREENWAY: Innovative solutions for improving the environmental status of eutrophic and anoxic coastal ecosystems

Prof. Zacharias I. was employed as a researcher in National Center for Marine Research (NCMR) Athens (1999-2005), as a Lecturer and as an Assistant Professor (2005-2014) at the University of Ioannina and as an Associate Professor (2014-2017) in the Department of Environmental & Natural Resources Management, at the University of Patras. He was also Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering (2017-2019) and since 2019 he is Professor in Environmental Engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering.
He is the author or co-author of 58 articles (Scopus) in refereed international journals, 85 articles in refereed international and national conference proceedings, about 40 technical reports, as well as university notes for the courses he teaches at the University of Patras. He serves or served as the principal investigator of 23 funded research projects in the EU and Greece and a member of the research team in 26 more funded projects. He holds a Patent, he has served as a referee of about 17 journals, and he is a member of international and Greek scientific associations and panels. Citations around 1.400 & H-index: 19 (Scopus).
His research interests are in the areas of environmental technologies, monitoring, pollution & restoration of inland and coastal waters, hydrodynamic and ecological numerical models, and water resources management.