// Circle the Med

Ms Claudia Guzzon has been working for the CPMR since 2019 and was appointed Executive Secretary of the Islands Commission in 2021, coordinating its overall advocacy and projects’ activities. She has previously worked as Project & Policy Officer at the CPMR Intermediterranean Commission, where she was responsible for several EU cooperation projects (focusing on sustainable tourism and blue growth, especially), linking those projects’ results with the IMC work and its member regions’ engagement.
Prior to this, she was Programme Officer at the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg Italy-France Maritime Programme and collaborated with another Interreg Programme, acquiring sound knowledge of territorial cooperation and dealing regularly with local & regional entities and policymakers. In the past, she also worked as International Consultant, gaining valuable experience in policy analysis and research.
Enthusiastic about regional development, Claudia has a broad knowledge of cohesion & regional policies as well as the EU decision-making mechanisms. She holds a Master’s in International Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and is fully proficient in English, French and Spanish and is a native Italian speaker.