//   Circle the Med

Thu 18 Jan - Fri 19 Jan 2024
Prof Evangelos Baltas
Prof Evangelos Baltas
Professor in the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens

Evangelos Baltas is a Professor in the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens and currently is Director of the Hydrology and Water Resources Deelopment Laboratory. He co-established the Center of Hydrology and Informatics (CHI) constituting of the NTUA meteorological network, the database of the hydrological information and the experimental basin. He has more than 30 years experience in the areas of water resources management, water resources systems planning and operation, hydrometeorology, hydrological modeling, climate change and land use change at the catchment scale, flood forecasting, risk assessment and mapping analysis. He has written three books and has authored or co-authored more than 120 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals and more than 140 peer-reviewed publications in national and international conferences, while he has published several scientific technical reports. He has a large academic and nonacademic administrative experience. He has also offered engineering consultant services in the fields of his expertise to the EU, Greek Ministries, public organizations and private companies. He has been the Principal investigator or researcher in numerous competitive EU (more than 30) and national funded programs related to the integrated water resources management: NDBHMI, HYDROMET, EUROTAS, RIPARIUS, MEDDMAN, ENRICH, EUROHARP, CHESS, ETC.

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