//   Circle the Med

Thu 18 Jan - Fri 19 Jan 2024
Mr Francesco Corvaro
Mr Francesco Corvaro
Special Envoy For Climate Change of Italy - Ministry Environment and Energy Security - Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Cooperation

Mr Corvaro is the Special Envoy for Climate Change of the Italian Government. The Special Envoy for Climate Change of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security is the reference point of Italian administrations with regard to the external dimension of climate change policies. The Envoy ensures the liaison between the two competent Ministries, and his appointment confirms Italy’s commitment to the fight against climate change and its desire to confirm its leadership in one of the decisive issues for the survival of our planet.

Mr Corvaro is an Italian University Professor with 20+ years of experience in Thermodynamics, Renewable Energy, Net-Zero, Energy Transition, Sustainable Mobility, Sustainability, Environmental Impact Evaluation (Assessment?), Resilience Models, Smart City Models and Life Cycle Assessment. He is responsible for initiating and maintaining several international collaborations with academia and the industry, such as: Architect of the Capitol (Washington DC), Naval Research Laboratory (Washington DC), Arup Group, Tiber International Group, Inc., National Gallery of Washington DC, Catholic University of America, University of Tennessee, Maryland University, and Georgetown University. He is the referent for the double degree program between the Catholic University of America and the Università Politecnica delle Marche. He believes that an integrated technical and political approach to the energy transition will be fundamental to combat Climate Change

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