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Thu 18 Jan - Fri 19 Jan 2024
Mrs Julia Souder
Mrs Julia Souder
CEO Long Duration Energy Storage Council (LDESC) / President Global Renewable Alliance

Julia Souder is Executive Director of the Long Duration Energy Storage Association of California (LDESAC). The nonprofit is dedicated to advancing the long duration energy storage technologies needed to enhance California’s ability to achieve its climate goals while operating a safe and reliable energy grid.  She is also President & Founder of JAS Energies, a clean energy and grid planning consultancy.

With nearly 20 years of experience in the electric industry, Souder has expert knowledge of the relationships among utilities, federal and state government agencies, non-profits, advocates and other stakeholder groups. She is a proven leader and coalition builder who understands the opportunities and challenges facing the U.S. electricity sector in reducing carbon emissions, developing new renewable energy infrastructure, creating markets and implementing a new clean energy vision.

Previously, Souder was a director at the Natural Resources Defense Council where she oversaw energy policy creation and implementation with a focus on grid operations and transmission planning. She has also worked in multiple roles at the U.S. Department of Energy and served as director of intergovernmental relations for the North American Electric Reliability Corporation and as a project developer for Clean Line Energy Partners.

Souder grew up in Southern California and currently resides with her family in San Francisco. She is a Commissioner on the Treasure Island Development Authority Board and actively participates with the Truman National Security Project, a leading national security and leadership organization based in Washington D.C.

Julia earned a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Southern California and a bachelor’s degree in political science and international relations from Oregon State University.

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