//   Circle the Med

Thu 18 Jan - Fri 19 Jan 2024
Prof Theocharis Tsoutsos
Prof Theocharis Tsoutsos
Founder and Director, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Lab Technical University of Crete

Theocharis Tsoutsos is Professor at the School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece. Since 2005 he is Founder and Director, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Lab (ReSEL). He has been Director Graduate Programme “Environmental Engineering” (2014-2018) and Coordinator of the TUC-Energy Group (2013-2017).
Since 1999 he has been adjunct Associate Professor in Technical University of Crete), Heriot-Watt, University of Western Attica, Kingston University, UK Open University, Greek Open University. During the period 1992-2005 he became head, of the Development Dept in the Greek Centre for Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Saving (CRES).

He has studied Chemical Engineering (National Technical University of Athens – NTUA,1984); Economist (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens – NKUA-, Law School,1990) and got his PhD from National Technical University of Athens (1990)

He is actually Member of the Management Council (RMEI -réseau méditerranéen des ecoles d’ingénieurs et de management, 2018-) and of Steering Committee RHC (European Technology Platform – Renewable Heating -Cooling, 2018-)

Professor Tsoutsos has coordinated more than 40 research projects on Sustainable Development, Energy and Mobility and participated in more than 100 totally funded by FP5, FP6, FP7, H2020, IEE, THERMIE, MED, INTERREG, COST, Jean Monnet.
He is author of more than 100 publications in international scientific peer-reviewed journals, 20 book chapters, 200 conference. He has achieved 6,200 citations (Scholar) with h-factor:34 (Scopus) and 40 (Scholar).  He is Member of the Editorial Board in the following scientific peer-review journals: Sustainable Cities and Society (Elsevier); Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (Taylor-Francis); Energies (mdpi); Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (mdpi); AIMS Energy; Current Sust./Ren.  Energy Reports (SpringerNature); Inventions (mdpi); Green Energy and Sustainability (Pivot Science Publication Corp).

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