//   Cultural Heritage and climate risk: Putting Copernicus earth observation data to work in the Mediterranean region

Tuesday 8 Nov 2022
 Carlo Buontempo
Carlo Buontempo
Director Copernicus Climate Change Service

Carlo Buontempo is Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) at ECMWF. He completed a PhD in physics at University of L'Aquila in 2004 before moving to Canada for his post-doc and then joining the UK Met Office. Carlo worked at the Hadley Centre for Climate Science and Services for almost a decade where he led the climate adaptation team and the climate service development team. In this role he led numerous projects involving climate change adaptation and regional modeling in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America. Before becoming Director of C3S, Buontempo developed the sectoral information system of C3S, helping businesses and policymakers in sectors like finance, insurance, energy, etc. with customised and up-to-date environmental data services.

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