Elena Patatouka
Elena Patatouka
Senior Project Manager and Research at e-Trikala

Dr Elena PATAOUKA is a Senior Project Manager and Research at e-Trikala. She has a background in architectural engineering (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), including a master in urban and regional planning (National Technical University of Athens) and a PhD in urbanism and economic and social geography (University Paris 8 Vincennes Saint Denis). Dr. Patatouka’s research is applied and samples experience and lessons across multiple European cities. Her focus is on tools and best practices of urban governance, community engagement and social innovation, as well as urban mobility and transport. Eleni has spent the last ten years working in the field of urbanism, using advanced quantitative and qualitative techniques, in order to build bridges among academia, industry and policy. Eleni tactically provides her services as an H2020 expert evaluator for the European Commission in the field of urban mobility, open governance and innovation. With first-hand knowledge of field research into cities, urban challenges, and solutions, Eleni has developed broad experience of global cities and city stakeholders. She has participated as a PostDoc Researcher in EU-funded projects of Copenhagen Business School, and worked in national research projects in National Technical University of Athens and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Through her role at e-trikala her main aim is to project her passion for first class urban mobility research by translating and adapting the latest scientific achievements to serve the everyday needs of modern policy making.

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