Joanna Mouliou Niessler
Joanna Mouliou Niessler
Policy officer - DG REGIO (EC)

Joanna Mouliou works as Policy officer at the European Commission for 10 years in the Unit D.1 - Macro-regions, Transnational /Interregional/External cooperation, Enlargement of the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO). She is in charge of tourism, culture and the SMEs initiatives and projects for European Territorial Cooperation in Cohesion Policy. She disposes of a broad experience in programme management, in particular in the Cross Border Cooperation programmes between EU member states and the EU accession and pre accession countries (IPA).

She has been working in the banking sector, both in Luxembourg and in Greece. She graduated in Economics, with MSc in Finance from the University Sorbonne - Paris Nord.

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