Mr Joseph Borg
President of INSULEUR (Network of the Insular Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the European Union)
Hicham Boudraa
Prof Christos Bouras
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, Rector of University of Patras
Aomar Bourhim
Head of the Multilateral Cooperation Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development, Water and Forests, Mοrocco, National Coordinator of WestMED initiative, Focal point for the MSP global IOC UNESCO
Merce Boy Roura
Interreg MED Green Growth coordinator
Dr Ioannis Boziaris
Professor-Lab Director Marketing & Technology of Aquatic Products & Foods, Thessaly University
Valentina Bozzi
SVIM-Sviluppo Marche Srl SVIM-Sviluppo Marche Srl
Vesna Bratic
Athenian Brewery
Ingrid Briesner
Austrian Mobility research
Nicolas J.A. Buchoud
Αdvisor to the dean and CEO of the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)
Carlo Buontempo
Director Copernicus Climate Change Service
Mr Carlo Buontempo
Director of Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) at ECMWF
Daniel Calleja-Crespo
Director General of DG ENV of the European Commission
Beatriz Camacho-Ávila
Giovanni Caprino
National Blue Italian Growth Technological Cluster - BIG
Alessandro Carollo
IDEA Urbana S.r.l Chief Executive Officer, IDEA Urbana S.r.l
Harry Boyd - Carpenter
Managing Director for Climate Strategy and Delivery at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Mr Danilo Čeh
Lead project manager at the Scientific research Centre Bistra Ptuj, Slovenia. Community4LivingAreas project, Interreg Euro-MED
Curzio Cervelli
Chef de Service, Interreg MED Programme
Adélaïde Charlier
Co-founder of #YouthForClimate
Mr Konstantinos I. Chatzifotis
EU Affairs Manager at Motor Oil Group
Elena Chatziioannou
Mr Jorgo Chatzimarkakis
Chief Executive Officer of the European Hydrogen Association "Hydrogen Europe"
Mr Gianni Chianetta
Chair - Greening the Islands Foundation
Tudor Chiuariu
Legal Expert - Circular Clima Institute - EPLO
Despoina-Peppy Christala
Director for Circular Economy, DG Environment, European Commission
Mr Mircea Cojocaru
Head, Environment and Social Sustainability Department Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
Coca - Cola 3E
Mr Tomaso Comazzi
Communication and Membership Manager at the Network of European Regions for Sustainable and Competitive Tourism (NECSTouR)
Solmeyea, a hybrid AgTech company
Mr Francesco Corvaro
Special Envoy For Climate Change of Italy - Ministry Environment and Energy Security - Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Cooperation
Ivo Cré
Museum of Modern Greek Culture
Mrs Abigail Cutajar
Advisor - Energy and Climate Change, Ministry for Environment, Energy and Regeneration of the Grand Harbour, Malta
Markos Damasiotis
Director of Development - CRES
Sherif Dawoud
Egyptian Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (tbc)
Mrs María de la Concepción de Santa Ana Fernández
Managing-Director of El legado andalusí-Andalusian Public Foundation, Spain. Lead Partner of the Dialogue4Tourism project
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